Who doesn\’t love a Quick Win? It\’s something our clients ask for all the time. They want fast results to big problems. And why wouldn\’t you? Unfortunately, there\’s a lot of marketing struggles out there that need a long-term plan to see real, lasting change. With that being said, we LOVE quick wins just as much as you do.
Here\’s a quick outline on how we define Quick Marketing Wins vs. Long Term Planning and some examples you can do TODAY to see improvements.
Quick Marketing Wins vs. Long Term Planning
Long-term planning and approaching your marketing with a growth mindset is what we encourage our clients to do during Strategy First or Digital Marketing Services. It\’s the key of long-term success and we can\’t stress that enough. However, there\’s a lot of Quick Wins out there that can make you feel great.
Before we send over some examples, let\’s break down the key elements of how we define a Quick Win.
1. It must be a client-recognized problem
What we mean here is that the problem must be definable and viewed as an immediate issue by the client. We may be able to see that a long-term citation campaign can impact your Local SEO and search rankings, but that isn\’t a short term win and wouldn\’t necessarily be brought up as a major pain point. The key difference being a \”citation campaign\” is a \”campaign\” not a Quick Win. By contrast, we may have someone say: \”Our GMB lists the wrong address and people don\’t know how to find us.\”
This is something that is definable, and viewed as an immediate issue. THIS we can fix relatively quickly. And you can see a pretty important impact by changing it. Win!

2. Must have a clear, singular solution
This one is important. In order for something to be a quick win, it should have a clear, singular solution. Here\’s an example: \”Low traffic\” isn\’t an easily definable problem as there is no clear, singular solution. The routes you would take to improve traffic to your website are many! What we can do is start an ad campaign. This generates measurable traffic, can be set up relatively quickly, and could lead to some fast leads depending on your industry. Similarly, \”Improve social media accounts\” doesn\’t set the right expectation and doesn\’t have a clear solution. How do you know when you\’ve achieved the win? What we would pose is to \”Set clear branding on all social accounts\”. We can definitely see this solution in our minds – unified banners, current logo, standardized info and tone. We know when it\’s done. We know the solution. It\’s a win!

3. Must have a measurable result
We won\’t know we\’ve achieved a true WIN unless we can measure success. How do you measure success in marketing? Our long-term goals are to drive high-qualified leads to your business, improve hiring, streamline sales enablement, etc. We can measure that end result but it takes a lot of work to get there.
A quick win needs a timely result that we can confirm is 100% done. Improvements to site speed, creating a sales presentation deck, setting up tracking analytics, etc. These are all relatively quick items that can be tackled in short order for great results.
Marketing Quick Win Checklist
Want to make some quick improvements to your marketing? Here\’s a handful of items that could help you feel all warm and fuzzy as you see problems cleaned up quickly.
Marketing Website
- Have you audited your homepage? Take a quick audit and make changes for a better landing page.
- Do you have tracking set up for Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Call Tracking, or other?
- Has your metadata been written for your audience and isn\’t auto-generated?
- Do you have a citation floating out there with the wrong information? Get it claimed and optimized.
- Do you have a Google My Business listing? You should! See more details below.
- Is your site slower than molasses on a winter\’s day? There\’s a lot of potential to improve it. Check your site speed here.
Do you have outdated logos drifting around on social or citations? Take some time to get them cleaned up.
Social Media
Have an old Twitter with the wrong address, old logo, or just lingering there inactive? Get those claimed! Even if you\’re not running any social media campaigns, it\’s valuable to take ownership of your social accounts. Track down those logins and get them under your account and branded.
Google My Business
Google My Business is your business listing that shows in search results. Google will often make this for you and so it\’s not always accurate or branded. It is one of the most valuable listings you can have for Local SEO. Take some time to claim it (usually entails a postcard). Use that opportunity to reply to any reviews you\’ve received – both positive and negative ones deserve a reply. Use negative reviews as a way to showcase how great your customer service can be even with criticism.
This is our condensed Quick Wins checklist. We hope you find it helpful. These basics can get you moving in the right direction for better overall digital marketing.