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These Crucial Changes in SEO Could Be Impacting Your MSPs : AI News
Latest Marketing Trends
Cassia Spurlock

These Crucial Changes in SEO Could Be Impacting Your MSPs : AI News

I consider myself a fairly well-researched SEO expert. I’ve been doing this for 11+ years, after all, and I’ve grown accustomed to the waxing and waning of Google’s bipolar needs. But I’ve noticed a very important change in how SEO functions in the last few months, and it’s had a MAJOR impact on MSPs. And yes, in case you’re wondering, it is related to AI. The SEO Essentials that Used to Work for MSPs A few key players have always taken the lead when reviewing a typical SEO and content creation strategy for Managed Service Providers. I’m going to talk about each of these individually, so just reference them above if you want a quick index. Local SEO – Why it WAS important If you’re unfamiliar, Local SEO is the Map Pack, which displays a Google listing, star rating, and quick links to phone numbers, directions, etc. Here’s a quick example of how this map pack typically functions in a search result: You search for a term + a location or + “near me”, and Google pulls up a nice visual that gives you an idea of what’s close by. Some businesses have hilariously taken optimizing for this result to the extreme: The Local Pack follows its own algorithm which is separate from other search results. While Google tends to be tight-lipped on the actual criteria, there are some standards to expect when trying to rank well: This is all good and well and really just standard practice for your business…..but…. Local SEO – What’s Failing… Local SEO used to be a major focus for IT companies. The key problem being that the majority of the time, users aren’t really looking to visit an IT Companies location. They want the techs to come to them. Google has caught on to this truth and adjusted its algorithm to reduce local search—way down. If you go ahead and throw in a Google search reading: “IT Company” + “[your city]”, you’re likely to see a search result showing in this order: Here’s an example: The variability in the result is large but the importance is the same – you should not put huge emphasis on Local SEO as a focal point. Why did this happen? Beyond the fact that Google may realize that location-specific data may not be the most important feature for this type of search, Google’s got to cover their own a$$. The latest update to EU’s expectations on privacy and internet browsing puts regulations on what they call “anti-self-preferencing” search results. Which basically means, the result should direct the user to a website, not have the user get all the info they need without navigating any further. Lastly, yes, Google is ever-changing their algorithm to suit their new AI Overview which we’ll talk more about in a minute. Technical On-Page SEO – What’s Working Technical SEO is broken into two options: on-page (on your website) and off-page (elsewhere on the web). For the most part, we’ll focus on on-page SEO. Technical SEO essentials onsite include: These are essential because they haven’t changed in a long time. You need these set up and set up well. Technical On-Page SEO – What’s Broken What we KEEP seeing with MSPs is that their marketing team is leveraging AI content. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this – but it’s not ideal. I recently did an assessment for an MSP company and found the same generic intro paragraph used on each of the primary landing pages. The text was varied enough to make it feel like new copy but it failed several tests to see if it was AI Generated. Why is this a problem? Because it’s garbage. It’s not written for people, it lacks personality, and Google is intelligent enough to pick up on it. This client had a less than 30-second on-page read time for their visitors. That’s abysmal. You CAN leverage AI content to get you an outline, do research, and create the basis for your copy but DON’T LEAVE IT THERE. Add personality, make it real, rewrite it! In a recent study done by the Neil Patel group, they found that human-generated content had 5.44 times more traffic than AI-generated content. The unfortunate truth of the MSP space is there are a dozen other IT companies out there throwing out the same “we offer cyber security and compliance services” line over and over again. Let them know that you offer the services they need but also show them WHO they are buying from. Copy is the only way you can do this without investing heavily into a sales person to go out and physically find clients. While we are suggesting that you don’t rely too heavily on AI to create all your content, we are also advocating for joining the dark side by optimizing your content for AI search results. AI Overview is a search result that now appears at the very tip top of a Google result. Have your content creator leverage Rich Snippets by creating a markup to let AI know what your content is about. If you’ve noticed AI Overview generating in a Google search, you can try to emulate the style and outline of those results in order to encourage Google to use your content to answer a speccific user question. Do your best to include snippets in your blog and page content that answer direct questions and format them with technical chops that give Google all the right clues. “Be careful when using AI content for generating your MSP website’s copy. It can hurt you in the long run.” Content Calendar Creation Just like with technical SEO, MSPs are overusing AI to regurgitate content for their blog. Bear in mind, with the ease of content creation AI provides, IT companies all over the country now feel like they can execute on a quick and dirty content calendar without giving it much thought. You should be investing careful time into planning a content calendar that provides

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Digital Marketing
Cassia Spurlock

Is SEO Still Relevant for Your Business in 2024?

As a business owner trying to improve your digital marketing, you might wonder if SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is still a worthwhile investment. Given the rapid changes in the digital landscape, this is a valid concern. Let’s explore the current state of SEO, its relevance, and what you should focus on to make the most out of your digital marketing efforts. The Enduring Importance of SEO SEO has been a cornerstone of digital marketing for many years. It’s a long-term strategy designed to improve your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. Historically, SEO’s success was often measured by organic traffic—the number of visitors coming to your site from search engines. This metric still holds value, but it’s essential to understand its limitations and the evolving nature of SEO. The Limitations of Organic Traffic One of the major pitfalls of focusing solely on organic traffic is that high traffic numbers don’t always translate to business success. For example, years ago, I wrote a blog article about Keurig for a small water distribution company in Colorado Springs. This article attracted thousands of views monthly, but it didn’t drive sales. While it boosted the site’s engagement metrics, the return on investment was minimal. This example illustrates that while organic traffic can enhance visibility and engagement, it doesn’t guarantee conversions or sales. Business owners should look beyond traffic and focus on metrics that directly impact their bottom line. The Changing SEO Landscape SEO is not a static field; it evolves rapidly. A few years ago, achieving a high ranking in organic search results or appearing in the local map pack was a significant accomplishment. Today, the landscape is more competitive and cluttered with ads, sponsored positions, and directories like Yelp. Moreover, Google’s algorithm updates have become more frequent and impactful. Previously, Google might release one major update per year, but now it seems like there’s a significant change almost every month. These updates aim to improve search quality, combat spam, and adapt to advancements in AI. Focusing on Valuable Metrics Given these changes, it’s crucial to shift your focus to more meaningful metrics like engagement rate and conversion rate. Engagement Rate: This includes how long visitors stay on your page, how many pages they visit, and their interaction with your content. Higher engagement rates typically indicate that your content is resonating with your audience. Conversion Rate: This is perhaps the most critical metric. It measures whether visitors are taking the desired actions on your site, such as making a purchase, filling out a contact form, or signing up for a newsletter. High conversion rates are a clear indicator of your SEO strategy’s success. Setting Clear Expectations To improve conversion rates, it’s essential to set clear expectations for your visitors. This means having a well-defined call to action (CTA) on your pages. If visitors don’t know what you want them to do, they’re less likely to do it. Ensure your CTAs are prominent and compelling to guide visitors towards taking action. Conclusion In 2024, SEO remains a relevant and valuable component of your digital marketing strategy. However, it’s essential to adapt to the changing landscape and focus on metrics that truly matter. By emphasizing engagement and conversion rates and setting clear expectations for your visitors, you can ensure that your SEO efforts drive meaningful results for your business. SEO is still an important tool, but it’s not the only one. Integrating SEO with other digital marketing strategies will provide a more holistic approach to improving your online presence and achieving your business goals. Remember, the ultimate goal is not just to attract visitors but to convert them into loyal customers. Ready to enhance your digital marketing strategy? Sign up for a Total Online Presence Audit today and discover how you can optimize your SEO for 2024 and beyond!

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Digital Marketing
Keegan Cossio

Is the Shock Factor Worth It in Marketing?

With the pace that digital marketing channels are becoming congested, the need to stand out becomes more difficult by the day. As business owners looking to enhance your digital marketing strategies, it’s crucial to understand the impact of this bold approach. One way to catch your audience’s attention is by using shock marketing, using Burger King’s 2020 ad campaign as a prime example, and explore its benefits, drawbacks, and the importance of a dedicated team to execute it effectively. Understanding Shock Marketing Shock marketing involves creating advertisements that surprise, provoke, or even disturb the audience to grab their attention. The idea is to create a buzz and make the brand memorable. This tactic can be a double-edged sword—while it can lead to increased visibility and engagement, it can also backfire if not executed properly. The Case of Burger King’s Ad Burger King is no stranger to shock marketing. Their ad campaign, which featured a moldy Whopper to highlight their commitment to removing artificial preservatives, is a perfect example. The visual of a decaying burger was shocking, yet it effectively communicated their message of natural ingredients. This ad sparked conversations and garnered significant media attention, proving the power of shock value in marketing. The Pros of Shock Marketing Immediate AttentionShock marketing grabs attention like no other strategy. In a world where consumers are bombarded with countless ads daily, a shocking campaign can cut through the noise and make your brand stand out. Viral PotentialControversial or provocative content is more likely to be shared, commented on, and discussed. This viral potential can lead to organic reach and engagement that traditional marketing efforts might not achieve. Memorable BrandingShock marketing can make a lasting impression. When done right, it creates a memorable image or message that sticks with the audience long after they’ve seen the ad. The Cons and Repercussions Risk of Negative ReactionsNot all shock campaigns are well-received. Some can offend or alienate potential customers. The backlash can damage a brand’s reputation and result in a loss of trust. Short-Lived ImpactWhile shock marketing can generate immediate buzz, the impact might be short-lived. Without a solid follow-up strategy, the initial hype can fade quickly, leaving little long-term benefit. Ethical ConsiderationsUsing shock value can raise ethical questions. Marketers need to balance the desire for attention with respect for their audience’s values and sensibilities. The Need for a Dedicated Marketing Team Expertise and CreativityExecuting a shock marketing campaign requires a deep understanding of your audience, creativity, and strategic thinking. A dedicated marketing team brings the necessary expertise to craft a campaign that resonates without crossing the line. Monitoring and AdaptationA professional team can monitor the campaign’s reception in real-time and make necessary adjustments. They can respond to feedback, manage any negative fallout, and keep the conversation going to maintain engagement. Cohesive BrandingShock marketing should align with your overall brand message and values. A dedicated team ensures that the campaign fits seamlessly into your broader marketing strategy, maintaining brand consistency. Is It Worth It? Shock marketing can be a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal, but it’s not without risks. For business owners aiming to enhance their marketing efforts, it’s essential to weigh the potential benefits against the drawbacks. With the right team in place, shock marketing can elevate your brand, create meaningful conversations, and drive significant engagement. So, is the shock factor worth it? It can be—if executed thoughtfully and strategically. Remember, the goal is not just to shock but to create a lasting, positive impression that aligns with your brand’s values and resonates with your audience. Ready to Elevate Your Marketing Strategy? Understanding the impact of shock marketing is just the beginning. To truly enhance your digital marketing efforts and ensure your campaigns hit the mark, you need a comprehensive strategy tailored to your business. At First Call Digital Agency, we specialize in creating impactful marketing strategies that resonate with your audience and drive results. Reach out to us today for a Total Online Presence Audit. Our experts will evaluate your current digital marketing efforts, identify areas for improvement, and provide actionable insights to elevate your brand. Let’s work together to make your marketing unforgettable.

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Digital Marketing
Cassia Spurlock

MSPs: Boost Your Client Base by Mastering Industry-Specific Marketing

In the fast-paced world of Managed Service Providers (MSPs), standing out from the competition is crucial. One of the most effective ways to do this is by mastering industry-specific marketing. By tailoring your marketing efforts to specific industries, you can attract more clients who are actively searching for the specialized services you offer. Let’s dive into how you can leverage this strategy to grow your client base. Understand the Importance of Industry-Specific Marketing Why is it so important to market to different industries? Let’s look at two scenarios to illustrate this. Scenario 1: Health Care Clinic in Kansas City, Missouri Imagine you’re a health care clinic in Kansas City. Your current IT provider is falling short – the phones are often down, there’s no clear disaster prevention plan, and you’re left in the dark about the services you were sold. Frustrated, you turn to Google and search for “IT company for healthcare industry in Kansas City.” The MSP that has a dedicated page targeting health care providers in Kansas City will likely be at the top of the search results. This is the power of industry-specific marketing. By addressing the unique needs and pain points of the healthcare industry, you can position your MSP as the go-to solution for healthcare providers in your area. Scenario 2: Construction Company in Tampa Bay, Florida Now, consider a construction company in Tampa Bay. The owner has been managing IT needs on their own but is now overwhelmed by the complexity of communication across multiple job sites and teams. They might not know they need an MSP, but they know they need better phone service or cloud support. A quick Google search for “Tampa Bay phone support” brings up your MSP, thanks to your targeted marketing efforts. This construction company now sees your MSP as the answer to their specific challenges. Tailoring Your Marketing Efforts To effectively reach your target industries, you need to tailor your marketing efforts. Here are some steps to help you do that: Start by identifying the industries you want to target. Consider your current client base and where you’ve had the most success. Healthcare, construction, legal, and education are just a few examples of industries that often require specialized IT services. Once you’ve identified your target industries, research their specific needs and challenges. For example, healthcare providers might be concerned about HIPAA compliance and secure data management, while construction companies might need reliable communication tools and project management solutions. Develop dedicated web pages for each industry you target. Use SEO best practices to optimize these pages with relevant keywords, such as “digital marketing for MSPs” and “digital marketing for managed service providers.” Highlight how your services address the unique needs of each industry and include testimonials from clients in that field to build credibility. Content marketing is a powerful tool for MSPs. Create blog posts, case studies, and whitepapers that address the specific challenges and solutions relevant to your target industries. Share these resources on your website and through social media channels to attract potential clients. Know Your Buyer Ultimately, the key to successful industry-specific marketing is understanding your buyer. You need to know why they need to buy from you and how your services can solve their specific problems. When you demonstrate that you “get” them, they are more likely to choose your MSP over a competitor. Building Trust Through Understanding Building trust with potential clients is essential. When you show that you understand their industry and their unique challenges, you build a connection that fosters trust and loyalty. This understanding translates into better service delivery, more satisfied clients, and ultimately, a growing client base. Actionable Steps for MSPs By following these steps and focusing on industry-specific marketing, you can effectively boost your client base and position your MSP as the go-to provider for specialized IT services. Remember, the goal is not just to be seen but to be understood and trusted by your potential clients. Take Control of Your Digital Success Today! Ready to see how your MSP stacks up in the digital landscape? Get a comprehensive Total Online Presence Audit from our experts and uncover opportunities to enhance your online visibility, attract more clients, and grow your business.

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Digital Marketing
Keegan Cossio

Strategies to Attract and Convert Clients with Authority

You know you’re the best at what you do, and you know why potential clients should hire you. But how are you portraying that to them? Authority is what you need, and content is the best way to spread that information farther than word of mouth ever could. Authority tells clients why they should buy from you and shows them that you know what you are talking about. Think about it this way: when you are looking for vendors to work with, you want to make sure they understand your industry and that they know their stuff. How do you do that? By chatting with them, reading their website, reading reviews, and so on. Have you ever looked at a company that has no information on their site except a big fat “Buy from us, we are the best!” sign? What was the first thing that went through your mind? Probably, “Pshhhhh, yeah, okay, buddy.” It was hard to believe them without any authority, right? If you wouldn’t buy from someone without vetting them first, why should someone buy from you? So now you’re probably wondering, “Okay, okay, Keegan, you’ve made a point. I know how to develop authority through conversation, but when it comes to putting words on paper (or screen, in this case), I am stumped.” Well, good news, Mr. Business Owner. It’s just as simple as taking those words you say out loud and putting them into blogs, copy, social posts, and so on. You are the expert; you know your information. Now we just need to capture it. But the Clients Already Know This Information! You might be thinking, “But the clients already know this information!” Yes, they do, but they want to know you know the information. Clients Want to Know You Know It’s true; many of your clients may already have a good grasp of the basics in your industry. They might have done their homework, read up on the subject, or even had prior experience. But here’s the catch: they need to be confident that you know your stuff too. Think about it from their perspective. They’re looking for an expert who not only understands their needs but can also provide solutions that they might not have thought of. They need assurance that you’re not just another business spouting generic advice, but someone who has a deep, nuanced understanding of the field. How to Show You Know Your Stuff Why This Matters When clients see that you have a deep understanding of their problems and the solutions, it builds trust. They need to feel confident that they’re working with someone who is not just knowledgeable, but also competent and reliable. This is crucial for turning potential leads into loyal customers. Content Ideas to Show Your Expertise Practical Steps to Showcase Your Authority By consistently producing content that demonstrates your knowledge, you reassure potential clients that they are making the right choice in hiring you. They might already know the basics, but your content shows that you have the expertise and insight to help them succeed. This not only sets you apart from the competition but also strengthens your authority and credibility in your field. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating that content today and watch your authority—and client base—grow. Feeling like you’re lifting more weight than you can handle with your online presence? Don’t worry, we’re here to spot you. Take a breather and let us do the heavy lifting. Get a Total Online Presence Audit today. We’ve got the time to fine-tune your strategy while you focus on crushing your goals. Schedule now!

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Latest Marketing Trends
Cassia Spurlock

Integrating AI: Essential Insights for Modern Business Owners

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept; it’s a transformative tool reshaping industries across the globe. As business owners, understanding and leveraging AI can provide a significant competitive edge. We are going to explore practical ways to integrate AI into your business, focusing on digital marketing and marketing strategy. We are hoping by the end, you’ll have actionable insights to harness AI’s potential effectively. The Ubiquity of AI in Everyday Tools AI has permeated almost every tool we use in our daily operations. Whether you’re designing graphics, building websites, or managing social media, AI features are seamlessly integrated into many applications. For example, Canva now boasts AI capabilities that simplify the design process, and even web builders have incorporated AI functionalities to enhance user experience and streamline workflows. Personal Anecdote: I remember the first time I noticed AI in Canva. It was subtle at first, suggesting design improvements and optimizing layouts. But soon, it became indispensable, saving hours on projects that used to take much longer. Exploring AI in Marketing As a business owner, you might wonder how to effectively use AI in your marketing efforts. The answer lies in experimentation and adaptation. AI tools can help you brainstorm ideas, create content outlines, and generate headlines, making your marketing strategies more efficient and impactful. First-hand Example: I started using ChatGPT to draft initial blog post outlines and generate LinkedIn post ideas. The AI suggestions provided a solid foundation, allowing me to focus on refining the content and adding a personal touch. This approach not only saved time but also sparked creativity. The Evolving Landscape of SEO with AI Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is undergoing significant changes due to AI. Google’s introduction of AI-driven features like Gemini is revolutionizing search dynamics. However, this also adds complexity to SEO planning. While Google initially threatened to penalize AI-generated content, it now focuses on the quality of the content, regardless of its origin. Insight: As SEO strategies evolve, it’s crucial to stay updated and adapt. High-quality content remains king, but the tools and techniques to achieve it are changing. Leveraging AI can help generate ideas and draft content, but human refinement and oversight are essential to ensure it meets the standards of both search engines and your audience. Balancing AI Utilization While AI offers numerous benefits, over-reliance can be detrimental. Google’s evolving stance on AI-generated content underscores the importance of balancing AI assistance with human creativity and oversight. AI can streamline processes, but it’s the human touch that adds value and authenticity. Personal Insight: One of the challenges I’ve faced is finding the right balance. Initially, I relied heavily on AI for content creation, but soon realized the necessity of human input to maintain quality and engagement. Now, AI serves as a powerful tool in my arsenal, not a crutch. Practical AI Applications for Business Development AI is not just for marketers; it’s a versatile tool for all aspects of business development. From generating LinkedIn post topics to devising content calendar strategies, AI can provide a structured starting point for various initiatives. First-hand Example: When planning a LinkedIn campaign, I used AI to generate a list of potential post topics and outline a content calendar. This initial structure was invaluable, allowing me to focus on refining the posts and aligning them with my business goals. The Future of AI and Business The integration of AI into business processes is just the beginning. As AI technology continues to evolve, so will its applications and implications. Staying informed about these advancements and being willing to experiment with new tools can position your business at the forefront of innovation. Looking Ahead: The future of AI in business is both exciting and uncertain. While it promises efficiency and new capabilities, it also requires adaptability and continuous learning. By keeping a pulse on AI developments and integrating them thoughtfully, you can ensure your business remains competitive and innovative. Integrating AI into your business strategy is no longer optional; it’s a necessity for staying competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. By exploring AI tools, balancing automation with human oversight, and staying adaptable to changes, you can harness AI’s full potential to drive your business forward. Remember, AI is a tool to enhance your capabilities, not replace them. Use it wisely, and your business will thrive in the AI-driven future. Take Your Business to the Next Level with a Total Online Presence Audit Ready to harness the full potential of AI and elevate your digital marketing strategy? Get a comprehensive Total Online Presence Audit today! Our expert team will analyze your current strategies and identify key areas for improvement, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition. Talk to Cassia Directly for Personalized Insights For a personalized consultation, schedule a one-on-one session with Cassia. With years of experience and deep industry knowledge, Cassia will provide tailored advice to help your business thrive in the AI-driven landscape. Don’t wait—transform your business today! Get Your Audit Now and Book a Session with Cassia!

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